Emergency Equipment

We realise space and functionality of vehicles for any operation

Our experience in the emergency sector bases its success on our ability to understand the needs, guiding the client towards the most appropriate result, resulting in extremely functional products, capable of carrying out any intervention.

With careful study and detailed design, we meet the most important requirements: the safety of people and the protection of the land.

Outfitting of firefighting and rescue vehicles

  • Construction of the van with an aluminium structure and composite cladding panels, installed on the chassis of most vehicle brands (4x2, 4x4, pick-ups, vans, trucks).
  • Customised design of internal partitioning and fixings for all equipment and loading materials.
  • Fixed and also demountable van versions, in order to have as much interchangeability as possible.
  • Stainless steel or composite tanks and motor pumps selected according to requirements.

The heart of our equipments

The origin of our cells derives precisely from the search for solutions in the emergency sector, exploiting all available volume for transporting equipment and conveniently accessing it from the outside through special doors and shutters. For this reason, their use, like that of hard-tops, guarantees numerous advantages as well as a very wide range of customisation possibilities.

Versatile and innovative

We strongly believe in demountable systems because of their ability to make the most of vehicles and to have the greatest possible interchangeability between modules for the most diverse uses. What we propose is an innovative system, both manually and hydraulically operated, with simplified operation to keep maintenance to a minimum.

The demountable modules are manufactured using techniques and materials that make it possible to reduce their weight, thereby increasing their load capacity, and allow them to be mounted on smaller vehicles (pick-ups and vans) as well as larger ones (trucks).

The demountable modules can be used for stowage, with appropriate subdivisions and fixings, or specific versions, such as airborne.

Ready for anything

Specific solutions for rescue in Speleo Alpini Fluviali (SAF) environments, designed in close collaboration with fire brigade operators and built on vans and cabs, as required. These vehicles are equipped with a special structure, certified for mounting the rescue system on all four sides of the vehicle in a quick and functional manner.

Effective, high-performance mobile units

Our many years of experience in equipping vehicles enables us to create efficient and customised mobile offices and command wagons.

Using our standard production of floors, vehicle interior fittings and a wide range of available accessories, combined with our ability to produce specific, customised components and expertise in the electrical and electronic fields, we are able to design the most diverse types of offices and mobile stations for a variety of uses.

Safety and hygiene for animals

Dogs are an invaluable aid in rescue activities and therefore their transport must also be attentive to their needs. Our vehicles equipped for dog units are designed to ensure the animals' comfort as well as hygiene and cleanliness inside the vehicle. The space not used for animal transport can be used to create office or material transport areas.

The most flexible solution

We build trailers and trolleys for a wide variety of services. Using chassis from the best manufacturers on the market, we design and build modules that can be used to transport materials and equipment, but also to be used as lighting units or as radio links.